Informed sources revealed to Mosul Time Radio that influential parties stopped a vital project to connect two areas on the left side of Mosul.

The sources explained that influential parties stopped a project to cover roads and connect the first and second Al-Kindi neighborhoods on the left side of Mosul.

The Mosul Municipality Directorate had started the project about a month ago at a cost of approximately 1.5 billion dinars, as part of the service effort projects implemented by the Municipality Directorate, where it was hoped to connect the first Al-Kindi neighborhood to the second through ( Saydin ) Street with two 30-meter lanes.

The project provides services to more than two thousand families in the Al-Kindi Al-Thaniyah neighborhood, and is also considered an official entrance to the area, which would have solved the traffic problem that Al-Kindi Al-Thaniyah residents suffer from when entering and exiting.

It is not known whether the project will resume again or whether the influential parties that stopped it will prevent it.

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