An informed source in Sinjar district in Nineveh Governorate revealed that the director of the Kairouan district will attend today, Wednesday, to conduct administrative work in the district after a break for years .

The source said that the director of the Kairouan district, Abdul Hamid Qasim, within the Sinjar district (northwest of Mosul), will join his work to handle some administrative matters for only four hours .

The source explained that “the district director had previously been exposed to security threats before 2007, after which he left the district and managed it remotely,” indicating that “his assistant has been managing administrative affairs since the liberation of the governorate as well until the present time .”

Social media users in Sinjar shared a post by the district director noting that he was at work from nine in the morning until one in the afternoon on Wednesday .

The MP for Nineveh, Abdul Rahim Al-Shammari, said in a television interview the day before yesterday that “the director of the Kairouan district has not arrived in the district since 2007. ”

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