On Sunday, the Asayish security forces and the General Directorate of Narcotics Affairs in the Federal Ministry of the Interior reported the seizure of about 200 kg of drugs in Erbil Governorate, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, and Anbar, western Iraq .

The Asayish Directorate of Erbil said in a statement, “its forces were able to seize 85 kilograms of narcotic substances such as crystal and cocaine during two separate security operations .”

She added, “Asayish forces arrested four people on charges of drug trafficking, three of whom hold Syrian nationality .”

Meanwhile, the General Directorate of Narcotics Affairs reported the seizure of 100 kilograms of Captagon narcotic pills and the dismantling of a network for international drug trafficking in Anbar .

The Directorate stated in a statement that, through a precise intelligence operation that took (7) consecutive days, an elaborate ambush was set up and the perpetrators were caught red-handed in Anbar Governorate, in possession of (100) kilograms of the narcotic Captagon pills .

The statement explained that this quantity was hidden inside a carrying wheel for transporting fruit in difficult-to-reach places, but the professionalism of the intelligence work team enabled them to reach it .

He pointed out that their entire international network, which consisted of (4) drug traffickers, had been dismantled, and they were placed under arrest by a judicial decision for the crime of international drug trafficking .

It is noteworthy that the penalty for international drug trafficking reaches death in accordance with the provisions of Article (27) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law No. (50) of 2017.