Minister of Justice Khaled Shawani ordered the dismissal of the director of Taji prison, following the publication of a video clip of inmates in the prison, and the formation of an investigative committee to investigate how the phone reached the prison hall and file a criminal complaint against the inmates on charges of threatening state security .
The ministry said in a statement that “after a video clip was leaked on social media showing a number of inmates threatening state security, the minister directed the formation of an investigative committee. After the committee went to the prison section, the mobile phone was seized and an investigation was opened into how the phone entered the prison hall. The inmates were also referred to the investigative authorities .”
The ministry pointed out that “Minister of Justice Khaled Shawani directed the dismissal of the director of Taji Central Prison from his duties due to his failure to perform his duties .”
According to the statement, Shawani directed “taking strict legal measures against those who fail to bring the phone into the prison section, and filing a criminal complaint against the inmates on charges of threatening state security to hold them accountable according to the laws in force, in addition to emphasizing the application of appropriate penalties against anyone proven to be involved in these violations .”
Shawani stressed that “the Ministry of Justice is determined to strengthen oversight in correctional institutions and prevent any security or administrative breach that affects the prison system,” noting that “the Ministry will not tolerate any negligence that threatens the integrity of the correctional system or violates the Ministry’s obligations towards justice and society.”