Yesterday , Tuesday, the Court of Cassation in Nineveh issued a decision to acquit the former director of the Sunni Endowment in the province, Abu Bakr Kanaan Bashir, of the charges against him, and released him after a previous ruling to imprison him for six months due to administrative violations .

A security source in Nineveh reported that “the Court of Cassation decided to release Abu Bakr Kanaan Bashir after appealing the ruling issued against him .”

The judiciary had previously issued a prison sentence against Bashir and another employee of the endowment, before the ruling was appealed before the Court of Cassation, which issued a verdict of acquittal .

It is noteworthy that Abu Bakr Kanaan Bashir is the husband of Nineveh Council member, Samia Ghanem Al-Khabouri.