Basra Governor Asaad Al-Eidani commented on the incident of killing a female employee at Basra University, stressing the need to apply the law and justice “without being affected by emotions .”

Al-Eidani said in a press statement that “the law and justice are imposed on everyone, and I am proud of the security forces that were not affected by emotions in dealing with the case, and I will not be affected by emotions either,” indicating that “the crime occurred at 11:15 pm in an area between Al-Khaseeb district and Abu Al-Khaseeb district in Basra Governorate .”

Al-Eidani confirmed that “the security forces, including the Anti-Crime Department, followed up the case closely, and the judiciary issued an order against the perpetrator,” indicating that he was arrested less than 12 hours after the crime occurred .

Al-Eidani explained that the perpetrator is “my children’s uncle and a university professor, but the law applies to everyone regardless of the identity of the perpetrator,” stressing that “the security forces carried out their professional role in investigating the perpetrator and bringing the case to justice .”

The evening before yesterday , a security source in Basra told Shafaq News Agency that the body found in Al-Khaseeb district belonged to an employee in the College of Physical Education at the University of Basra .

The source also indicated that the accused of committing the crime is one of the victim’s colleagues in the same college .

Al-Eidani stressed that this incident is a correct start to establishing the rule of law in Basra, explaining that “the law does not differentiate between anyone, even if the perpetrator is close to prominent figures.”