The Russian news agency TASS quoted a source in the Kremlin on Sunday evening as saying that Bashar al-Assad and his family members had arrived in the Russian capital, Moscow .

The source added, according to TASS, that Russia had granted them asylum .

The armed factions announced, yesterday morning , Sunday, that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had left the country .

The factions announced in messages published via the Telegram application, what they considered “the end of this dark era and the beginning of a new era for Syria .”

Two senior officers in the Syrian army confirmed to Reuters that Assad left Damascus on a plane to an unknown destination .

Later , Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Ghazi al-Jalali said that the whereabouts of Assad and his defense minister “have been unknown since Saturday night .”

Flight Radar data showed that a Syrian Airlines plane believed to have been flown by Assad took off from Damascus airport at a time when opposition factions took control of the capital .